You are browsing the archive for 2013 May.

Profile photo of Lou

by Lou

Welcome to the bayou…!

May 26, 2013 in Administration

We just want y’all to enjoy yourselves without getting carried away enough to get us all arrested…

Never forget that on the internet, as soon as you hit that “send” key you establish a trail right to your fingertips, be they pc or mobile, that never ever goes away…

That being said, we function pretty much like any social networking site, coupled with some of the organizational structure similar to the bulletin board systems of the pre-public-internet days.  Most functions will be apparent as you go along…  Though one small difference is you cannot initiate posts on this page, rather only in the topical user groups.  So if you don’t see a topcal group that appeals to you, start yur own!  I would ask if you plan on its getting too raunchy you make it private or hdden, whch default to being available by nvitation of a current member only, so kids don’t have to be exposed to it.

Oh.  And not all profile options are configurable from the registration page, so you may go to your indivdual profile and use the tabs for more options, most notably your photo albums.

I think I have the mobile app working, but if you have a problem with mobile access, for one thing let me know, and there should be a link at the bottom of the page to switch back to the full web site.

I can always be found via our Contact Us page.
